Welcome to The Fellowship Site

Our basic logo shows the nature of The Fellowship. We are a group of people who gather around the Lord Jesus. We draw upon His power and wisdom as we pray, read the Bible, and as we seek to serve Him in the world. Our desire is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ who love the Lord with all their heart, mind and strength, and love their neighbors as themselves.
Resources At The Fellowship Site
This site provides resources for believers who are developing in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. As a ministry, we have sought to encourage all believers to be involved in active service for the Lord Jesus Christ. Over the years we have provided seminars to help in the process of equipping believers for service. Now we are providing manyof these materials on this site. While the practical activity elements of the seminar are not possible, the materials both in written and audio form are presented here so that others can share in the elements we have found helpful in growing believers. We are happy to provide this
site as a resource for the members of the Church as we seek to enlarge the Kingdom of God by making disciples as commanded by our Lord as He left the earth in His ascension.
Seminars At The Fellowship Site
The site also contains teaching seminars from people within the ministry and others who have influenced the ministry over the years. Many of these resources have been used as supplemental materials to help people understand the ways of God in different arenas of life.
Copyright At The Fellowship Site
All of the materials in this site are under a Kingdom Copyright. We understand this to mean that as long as a person is using these materials for the Kingdom of God, and not using them to make a profit he/she has our permission to copy the material. All we ask is that you provide information of where it was secured.
site as a resource for the members of the Church as we seek to enlarge the Kingdom of God by making disciples as commanded by our Lord as He left the earth in His ascension.
Seminars At The Fellowship Site
The site also contains teaching seminars from people within the ministry and others who have influenced the ministry over the years. Many of these resources have been used as supplemental materials to help people understand the ways of God in different arenas of life.
Copyright At The Fellowship Site
All of the materials in this site are under a Kingdom Copyright. We understand this to mean that as long as a person is using these materials for the Kingdom of God, and not using them to make a profit he/she has our permission to copy the material. All we ask is that you provide information of where it was secured.