Bible Study Resources
Different versions of the Bible, Bible Dictionaries, Bible Atlases and Commentaries are found at the following sites.
Christianity in Society
Sites which deal with a vast set of issues Christians confront today.
Christian Apologetics
Creation and Evolution Science
Sites from three views of creation - Early Earth - Long Age - Evolution
Media Resources
The new lingua franca of our society finds much of its base in movies. To be up on the latest flicks without having to go to all of them, we have provided the following sites. Other sites follow current topics.
Plugged in Online
This is the media review site of Focus on the Family and gives a strong Christian evaluation of the different Movies, Video/DVD, TV, as well as current CD’s. They have current items as well as those in archive which are available to read in their archives.
Rotten Tomatoes
This is a site that reviews the media of popular culture by bringing together reviews from media editors from newspapers from across the states. The reviews provide a broad range of appreciation and provide a good source to see how many are evaluating the selected media.